Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Second Life

Alright... well... Megan and I decided to create Second Life characters/profiles. Yea... It was more fun than I thought it was going to be and I feel like a huge nerd. But that's OK. I created my profile, and had SUCH A HARD TIME coming up with a name. Every name I wanted was already taken; it was frustrating and disappointing. But, eventually I decided on one-- it's such a stupid name but it's all in good fun: Kiti (as in Kitty... but I couldn't have THAT spelling...) Koba. I wanted Roxie Rossini or Lily Lilliehook, but they were taken, along with every alternate spelling I could think of. Anyway, I created the character, then I fiddled with my character's appearance. It's hard to make it look as much like you as possible, but I tried. I doubt I succeeded. Anyway, Megan and I found each other on Second Life and joked around a bit; she sat on a car while I drove it around. We actually had trouble finding each other at first. The game puts you in orientation worlds and we were put in different worlds; so i had to send you an invitation to the world I was in. Anyway, that was our first adventure as nerds on Second Life :)


Darlene said...

Leave it to the two of you to be first at this. Sounds like fun - where are you living/working/hanging out in Second Life? Maybe when I get two seconds to call my own (homework/research papers and all that good stuff) I'll put myself in Second Life. After all, at my age I could sure use a second life - this first one I have is getting shorter all the time.

Barb Hollings said...

I have to agree with Darlene. I'm not surprised that the two of you tried out Second Life. Now I just wish I could access it at home from my computer, but alas I have the plague-ridden dial-up since wireless is not an option here. Guess, I'm going to have to move to a new apartment that isn't blocked from wireless by something sticking up in the way!!! I want to ride on top of a car too - and I want to fly from place to place like Ray demonstrated!

Karen Stearns said...

How Cool is that Jessica. I will look forward to meeting you in Second'll have to find me!!